Sunday, August 06, 2006

Of La Prensa, Nite-Out, Castro & Cuellar

San Antonio used to have two daily English-language newspapers. But around A.D. 1993 the better of the periodicals, the San Antonio Light, went defunct. Nowadays, in addition to the Express-News daily, S.A. has two or three regular Spanish or bilingual journals. The oldest of these is La Prensa. It prints articles in Spanish and also about as many others in English. Likewise, photo captions may be either language. Most issues of La Prensa contain a main news section and other sections of Deportes (Sports) and of Cultura (society/culture). I enjoy reading La Prensa, since it both keeps me up on local events from a chicano perspective and on my Spanish reading comprehension.

On 2 August La Prensa on its front page covered the National Night-Out of the previous day ("day" literally, since at City Hall there was a "lighting ceremony in mid-morning!). I had gone to the Witte Museum Tuesday evening the First, primarily to view the special exhibit "A Wild and Vivid Land: South Texas stories", but also to engage in the NNO event(s). There were some very interesting displays for the NNO, altho' most were definitely oriented to kids and/or families with small children. But I am glad that this national observance is going on, and apparently growing stronger each year!

Also on the front page of La Prensa two photos caught my eye: Fidel Castro of Cuba in one and in the other Congressman Henry Cuellar who in DC represents portions of South Texas from S.A. to Laredo. What struck me was that both men were wearing dark suits, white shirts and red neckties! Hm-m-m! I can just hear some late-nite TV pundit crack some joke about how politicians look (or dress) the same, no matter where they are on the left-right political ideology spectrum! Hm-m-m!

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