Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Fifty-three years. . .

Well, dear reader, today is my birthday. On 14 March A.D. 1954 I came into this world, in the hospital at the US Military Academy at West Point, New York.

This is the middle of Spring Break Week, and I was assigned many, many hours of work at Fiesta Texas themepark, including today. Generally I don't mind at all working on my birthday. BUT, with family now living in San Antonio and eager to help me celebrate, I decided to give my hours today to a co-worker.

It's probably a good thing I'm taking the day off; I've worked two days of double shifts (basically opening to closing of the park, i.e. 9:30 AM to after closing at 9:00 PM). And yesterday the region got repeated gully-washers, making it a challenge to do the job AND stay dry! Yep, we've made up for the lack of rain last month plus met our average for March! Bring on the wildflowers!

So, I celebrate my birthday today. More later. . .

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