In my two most recent postings I shared some of the marvelous Kairos Weekend #1 in the Dolph Briscoe Prison Unit near Dilley. But if you've been reading my blogsite all along, you know there is much, much more to Kairos Prison Ministry than just the three-day weekend retreats. (In the same way, there's much, much more to the Emmaus or Cursillo renewal movement than just the "Walk to" retreat!)
As I've mentioned, Kairos actually commenced in Briscoe with the weekly "Prayer & Share" meetings -- but they allowed us to conduct these only on first and third Thursday evenings. Well, this past Thursday was, of course the first Thursday in December -- as well as being the first one following that awesome Weekend! And what a Prayer & Share it was!
Generally Paul and Chuck and I ride to Dilley together for the first Thursday P & S, but THIS time we had a fourth man in Paul's car. He was Ed Palow, my motel roommate for Briscoe #1, a fellow table family clergy (he St. Mark & me St. Luke), and fellow Disciples of Christ clergy. It was de-e-e-lightful to have Ed along, too! Especially when he got a call on his cellphone from Buzz, a member of his church, San Antonio Christian, who had served with me on the Team for Walk #1327. He handed me the phone at one point to I could chat with Buzz for a few minutes.
P & S is held in the Chapel, at Briscoe as at Torres. We had a full house! But first, Ed wasn't on the primary entry list for P & S, and so almost didn't get in. However, "the Major" who had been involved with Briscoe #1 was still about the prison, so Ed DID get clearance. This made us seven volunteers going in for P & S. Seven: the Biblical number of perfected completion!
The music team was already in the Chapel practicing to lead singing to open the P & S meeting. So there stood Eduardo "Banana Man", who had sat at my left at St. Luke Table Family. Hugs all around! Soon I was also greeting Alex, our St. Luke Family Steward and Isreal who "is real" in his faith, and so on.
When I took los hispanohablantes apart for the small group prayer time, we totaled twelve (including me) and I delighted in pointing out that this was the number of the original Apostles (who are often called simply "The Twelve" as a result). AND that one of the teachings of the Kairos Weekend is that we are ALL apostles -- ones SENT to spread the good news message about the God who loves us and His Son who died to show that love! Then I shared with them that I wanted to sing una canción navideña with them, and led the singing of Noche de Paz (Silent Night). I noticed that the sharing tonite was more from the heart than it had been in some months; thanks to the Weekend experience in which at least half of them had participated.
Then came Saturday! The Kairos manual calls for an "Instructional Reunion" to be conducted the Saturday following a Weekend, to show the inmates who were candidates how a monthly Reunion goes, and how to do Prayer & Share. While Paul & I had been on the road for the Thursday P & S we arranged for Paul to pick me up very early on Saturday, to get us to Dilley & the Briscoe Unit by 8:15 (it's and hour and a half drive from S.A.) But when a vehicle pulled up to pick me up, it was Tom's tall white pickup truck! Thomas Becker was Lay Director for Briscoe #1 and would also conduct today's Instructional Reunion. Tom is rather young to be such a leader for an Emmaus or Kairos event (lay directors are often retirees). But let me tell you, dear reader, Thomas or Tom has a great maturity & leadership skills -- way beyond his age! God is using young Tom, for His glory and the blessings of others! So, Tom, Paul & I had a delightful drive down Interstate Hiway 35 to Dilley.
We had just over 20 volunteers assembled at the gate of Briscoe to go in and do the Reunion. Dozens & dozens of cookies were left over from Weekend #1, and we supplied sandwiches, chips & beverages, so we didn't want for food, any more than we had on the Weekend itself. And when we got to the gym door and the guard opened it, there were the brothers in white inside, in two lines, clapping & cheering. Just as we had clapped & cheered each time they had come to the gym for a session of the Weekend! Wow!
The heat was malfunctioning in the gym, so it was cold. But our hearts were warm as we listened to & discussed five short Talks, prayed together (usually in pairs or threesomes) and sang. The Spirit of the Lord kept us warm! It was a very good event!
I chose to call this "fall-out from #1. . ." because in inmate slang a prisoner will sometimes mention that "I fell out at (a certain city)" and by this indicate where he was arrested or "fell out" of being a free citizen of society. Hopefully, participation in Kairos will help these fellows to "fall out" of the chains of past habits and attitudes (which got them incarcerated) and into the freedom Christ offers by His truth revealed in Scripture. His is a freedom NOT bound or limited by the fences and bars of any prison! To God be the glory!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
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