Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Holy Day of Resurrection!

Yesterday was the Sunday when the world in general has fun with a holiday called "Easter", named after an Anglo-Saxon female idol of spring and fertility. Hence the furry bunnies and colored eggs. ALSO yesterday was the Sunday when Christians celebrated the GREATEST EVENT in history, the Resurrection of the crucified and buried Nazarene, Jesus the Christ! I was blessed to be in church four times. And each time the wonder and awe of this most special day impressed itself upon me anew.

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!!!

Also, I count yesterday, as I count Resurrection Sunday annually, as my spiritual birthday! It was on the Day of Resurrection in the Year of Our Lord 1969, that the Spirit of God called me, and I stepped forward in Red Rock Christian Church in Boise, Idaho, and stated the "Good Confession" of faith. In the previous years of my walk with Jesus on this Earth I had focused on the joy of my spiritual birthday being on this particular day (movable, of course, since the Holy Day itself is movable), in that the hope of our resurrection to eternal life guaranteed to us by Christ's Resurrection is already mine by virtue of my being "born again" (or "born from above" in John 3:3 and 7, etc.). But this year I found my contemplations running more toward being joyful that THE focus for the day is on our Savior's Resurrection - and not on yours truly! "Less of me and MORE of Christ" is my prayer.

I hope y'all had a joyful holiday yesterday. And I pray that it was far more than a day of bunnies & eggs & greeting folk with "Happy goddess of spring (a.k.a. Easter)!" I pray that y'all experienced the REALITY of the Risen Savior Christ Jesus!

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